ECS Principal Shari Lipski Featured on ELFA Magazine Cover
We are proud to announce that ECS Principal Shari Lipski is featured on the cover of the May/June Issue of Equipment Leasing & Finance (ELFA) Magazine. Shari is a well-known name in the equipment leasing industry and is a member of the newly formed Women in Leasing Working Group that aims to increase the engagement of female members in ELFA.
“Women often need an extra push,” says Shari Lipski, Principal of ECS Financial Services, Inc., in Poplar Grove, Illinois, and a member of the WIL Working Group. “Especially when it comes to networking, women need to feel comfortable approaching a group of people alone.”
Because of that, Lipski wants to help create an open forum at ELFA where women can feel relaxed, yet empowered, and be able to share ideas and encouragement. “Having a place like this at conventions and other meetings has to do with networking,” she says. “Once women become comfortable with putting themselves out there, they’ll expose themselves to greater inner growth and a more fulfilling professional career by seeking challenging opportunities, including leadership roles.”