Help protect employee assets with the benefit plan audit experts
The U.S. Department of Labor requires that all businesses with over 100 eligible participants in their qualified employee benefit plans receive yearly audits. If you fit this description, look no further. Our professionals at ECS Financial Services have a wealth of experience auditing plans of all types.
We’re the right firm to perform your employee benefit plan audits for plans including:
System Review
401(k) and profit sharing plans
Defined benefit plans
Money purchase plans
403(b) plans
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
In addition, we can prepare and review the related Form 5500 filings.
We Know Employee Benefit Plans
ECS will ensure your employee benefit plan audit is performed in accordance with professional standards. Furthermore, our experienced staff can advise on plan compliance matters and help you in identifying other quality service providers for your plan. Your business should choose ECS for your benefit plan audit needs for a variety of reasons. Here are the facts.

We’re Knowledgeable
We have a professional at the firm with a wealth of know-how
30+ years’ employee benefit plan auditing experience
Audited hundreds of employee benefit plans
Former regional leader for plan audits for a national firm
Frequent speaker on employee benefit plan audit and tax topics
Speaking at December 2018 ICPAS Employee Benefit Plans Conference

We’re Qualified
One of our firm’s professionals has the credentials to get the job done
AICPA Advanced Defined Benefit Plans Audit Certificate
AICPA Advanced Defined Contribution Plans Audit Certificate
AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center (EBPAQC) Executive Committee founding member
AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Expert Panel – former member
AICPA Subject Matter Expert – assists in ongoing enhanced peer review oversight of employee benefit plan audits
ICPAS Employee Benefit Plans Committee – current member and former chair
ICPAS Employee Benefit Plans Conference - content task force member
Are you a CPA firm that needs a peer reviewer? ECS has the experience to assess your employee benefit plans, as well as perform system and engagement peer reviews.